ADT - April 2022

It has been a busy term within the Art, Design and Technology faculty.
Our 3D printing club continues to produce many wonderful 3D printed designs during Wednesday lunchtime. We have also just purchased a second 3D printer to enable more students to print their work. After school clubs have been running to offer support for year 11 students on the run up to their examinations and in completing their coursework.
Our year 9 Photography Club is also up and running with many students attending on a Monday lunchtime. Students have had the opportunity to use the SDLR cameras and learn about the different topics they could study if they take photography as an option in Key Stage 4. In May, keep an eye out for our community display in Hucknall Library showcasing some of the amazing work from our year 10 photography students.
Options Evening was very busy for the faculty with photography, engineering, ICT, product design, art and catering stalls all having both parents and students asking questions. Free cake samples of handmade sausage rolls, blondies and classic brownies were expertly produced by the year 10 Hospitality and catering students and serviced by Faith and Jacee, students who are part of the course and generously volunteered their time to share their skills and talk to parents about the course. These were very popular with parents, students and staff alike.
Veganism was the topic for our Hospitality and Catering year 10’s as they welcomed an outside visitor to discuss and debate a vegan diet. This is one of the many different diets that Hospitality and Catering students have to study to enable them to understand the varied diets that professionals will have to consider and cater for in the real world of employment.
Coming up, we will have a new exhibition of some of the amazing work that has been produced by all subjects in ADT on display in the art corridor. The faculty is also planning its year 8 Enrichment Day trip to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park, and the end of year ADT show. Keep an eye out for parent communications regarding these exciting upcoming events.