[NOT LIVE] New Contact Directory
Welcome to the National Directory.
We aim to respond within 48 hours to all communications but often are able to resolve matters much sooner.
The email directory is in alphabetical order to help you find what you are looking for.
For general enquiries please contact adminoffice@nationalacademy.org.uk or alternatively call (0115) 9635667
All calls are recorded for training and monitoring purposes. Please note we have a zero-tolerance approach to abuse of any kind.
Issue | Information | Links (If Applicable) | Contact Information |
Admissions/Applications | Please also see our website for comprehensive details on how and when to apply | Admissions | Ms L. Heath (Administrations) lheath@nationalacademy.org.uk |
Assessments or Reporting |
Firstly, if teaching related – please contact teachers directly List of Teachers
Attendance matters | Attendance officer – harrowsmith@nationalacademy.ork.uk | ||
Behaviour | Please make sure you have read the behaviour policy on our website. This clearly explains our agreed approach to behaviour, sanctions, praise and rewards. | Behaviour Policy |
Firstly, with relevant teachers List of Teachers
Faculty/Subject matter – Contact Faculty Leaders List of Heads of Faculty
General behaviour matter – Contact Heads of Year List of Heads of Year
If unresolved Mr D. Llewellyn (Asst Head) dllewellyn@nationalacademy.org.uk |
Careers advice and guidance | Careers and Guidance | Ms O Hyde (CEIAG Lead) ohyde@nationalacademy.org.uk | |
Child risk assessments | Mrs R. Richardson (Business Manager – Health & Safety) rrichardson@nationalacademy.org.uk | ||
Closures | If the Academy is required to close due to unforeseen circumstances, our community will be informed on our website, social media, via parent mail and if due to poor weather we also contact radio Nottingham. | ||
Community matters outside of school time |
It is always useful for us to be aware of any issues that have occurred outside of school within our community that affect our students. However, outside of school time, holidays and weekends any serious concerns should be directed to the Police |
101 – Non-emergency 999 – Emergency only |
Complaints |
If we receive a complaint we first try to work with you to resolve the matter informally as per our policy.
Please ensure you have read our complaints policy prior to making any next stage formal complaint. If the Academy has acted within published and agreed policies, a complaint is unlikely to progress. |
Academy Policies |
Please contact the member of staff directly or ask for their line manager to discuss and attempt to resolve any complaint or concern.
If the matter is then unresolved, please read the MiTRE Trust complaints policy and provide the details requested, sending them to the correct contact. We will then contact you and try to resolve the matter. At this stage it is suggested you state what you would require for the matter to be resolved.
Please be aware that any complaint made to the Academy or external organisation that has not followed our published complaints policy is unlikely to progress until the channels available have been exhausted and the Academy has had a fair chance to support you and resolve the matter. We would appreciate being given this opportunity. |
GDPR/Data protection | Mr A Cockerill (Data Protection Officer) adminoffice@nationalacademy.org.uk | ||
Exam information | Mrs M. Dennis (Exams Officer) exams@nationalacademy.org.uk | ||
Finance matters | Payments to and from National | finance@nationalacademy.org.uk | |
Food/Services at break and lunch | Mrs R. Kirk (Deputy Business Manager) rkirk@nationalacademy.org.uk | ||
General enquiries | Telephone (0115) 9635667 | ||
HSFC (Sixth Form) matters | Home - Hucknall Sixth Form Centre |
Firstly, if teaching related – please contact National teachers directly (drop down menu) HSFC reception (0115) 9681657 More generally, Mrs J Cliffman (Head of HSFC) jcliffman@nationalacademy.org.uk If unresolved, Mrs K. Wall (Asst Head) kwall@nationalacademy.org.uk |
Lettings/Hire of facilities | Facilities Hire | Mrs R. Richardson (Business Manager) rrichardson@nationalacademy.org.uk | |
Medical matters relating to your child | Mrs R. Richardson (Business Manager – Health & Safety) rrichardson@nationalacademy.org.uk | ||
Mental Health, well-being and counselling |
Initial information regarding support is on our website. Students may use the self-referral system to join the waiting list for Academy counselling. The academy employs a full-time counsellor to support our most serious cases. Please be aware that we do not run counselling for those already receiving external counselling and our service is one of several you may be able to access if you view our signpost webpage (link provided) |
Parent Forum information | Mrs K. Booth (PA to the Leadership Team) kbooth@nationalacademy.org.uk | ||
Parent evenings (called AMP evenings) |
If you know your child’s form tutor please contact them Alternatively, contact the relevant Head of Year (drop down menu) |
Pupil Premium funding and support | (Link to webpage) | Mr A. Hawkins (Deputy Head) ahawkins@nationalacademy.org.uk | |
Safeguarding matters | (Link to webpage) |
Firstly, Mr S. Tyson (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead) styson@nationalacademy.org.uk Alternatively, Mr D. Llewellyn (Designated Safeguarding Lead) dllewellyn@nationalacademy.org.uk Any safeguarding team member as published in our main reception |
SEN information | Please be aware that our SENCO is a member teaching staff and may also be in internal and external meetings and reviews. | (Link to webpage) |
Firstly, Mrs A. McDowell (SEN Administrator) amcdowell@nationalacademy.org.uk Alternatively, Ms E. Batchelor (Asst SENCO) ebatchelor@nationalacademy.org.uk Mrs C. Stones (Asst Head & SENCO) cstones@nationalacademy.org.uk |
Senior Leadership | Mrs K. Booth (PA to the Leadership Team) kbooth@nationalacademy.org.uk | ||
Subject Access and Freedom of Information requests | (Link to policy) | Mrs R. Richardson (Business Manager) rrichardson@nationalacademy.org.uk | |
Teaching and Learning (classroom and remote) | (Link to webpage) |
Firstly, with individual teachers (drop down menu) (name@nationalacademy.org.uk)
Alternatively, Faculty/Subject Leaders (drop down menu) If unresolved Mrs K. Boothroyd (Deputy Head) kboothroyd@nationalacademy.org.uk |
Times of the day and Calendar | Both of these are available on this website for you to view or print directly. | (Link to webpage) |
If you cannot resolve your query via our website adminoffice@nationalacademy.org.uk |
Transition (Years 6 to 7, 9 to 10 and 11 to 12) | (Link to webpage) | Mrs. K. Soltysik (Transition Lead) ksoltysik@nationalacademy.org.uk | |
Transport matters |
Bus company details (see Lou) |
Trips and visits |
All trips and visit information is posted on our website. If you have agreed to your child’s attendance on a trip or visit you will be contacted via parent mail and/or letter. |
(Link to webpage) |
This address can be used for all queries regarding trips and visits and will reach the correct person |
Uniform matters |
We do have a uniform shop created from the donations of ex-students and parents. Please contact the school or see our website for opening days and times. There is no charge and any donations are voluntary. |
(Link to webpage) |
Firstly, contact the Head of Year to discuss any matters (drop down menu)
Cost/Supply matters Mrs R. Richardson (Business Manager) rrichardson@nationalacademy.org.uk
Uniform shop and/or donations Mrs K Wall (Asst Head) kwall@nationalacademy.org.uk |
Updating information on our systems | adminoffice@nationalacademy.org.uk | ||
Vacancies and applications | (Link to webpage) |
Teaching vacancies - Mr S. Veasey (Asst Head) sveasey@nationalacademy.org.uk Support vacancies – Mrs R. Richardson (Business Manager) rrichardson@nationalacademy.org.uk HR@mitretrust.org.uk |
Year 11 Prom | All queries (Pastoral Support) adminoffice@nationalacademy.org.uk | ||